30 popular monuments of Belgorod


Belgorod monuments not only decorate the streets, but also carry a semantic load. There are themes familiar to Russia, but there are also some differences, for example, an emphasis on fellow countrymen who are little known in the country, but who have contributed to the development of the city. So the sculptural composition "Local historian" is dedicated to the researcher Yuri Shmelev, and the prototype of the monument to the incorruptible traffic cop is the real guard Pavel Grechikhin.

Monuments, statues and steles are scattered throughout the city. However, there are also places with their maximum localization. A whole complex has been created in the Victory Park, telling about the events of the Great Patriotic War. There are many sights on Narodny Boulevard. Among the permanent sculptors of the city are Anatoly Shishkov and Taras Kostenko, whose projects can be found everywhere in Belgorod.

Historical and modern monuments of Belgorod

List of the most famous monuments in the city!

Stele "City of Military Glory"

Installed on Cathedral Square in 2013. Belgorod became the first settlement in Russia where a monument with this name appeared. Initially, they wanted to replace the monument to Lenin with a stele, but the residents did not support the authorities' project. The site for the new attraction was chosen at an open competition. A group of sculptors worked on the project. A gilded double-headed eagle was installed on the top.

"Eternal flame"

1959 is considered the official date of the opening of the memorial complex "Eternal Memory". Earlier, the burial place of soldiers who died on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War was held at this place. The eternal flame is an important part of the composition. It burns in a round bowl built into a pedestal in front of a sculpture of a grieving woman. Next to her is a child holding a wreath. Next comes a series of steles and slabs with the names of the heroes.


Victory Park in Belgorod is a place where monuments and museums dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War are concentrated. The memorial composition "Victory" has a circular view and is the main element of the entire complex. There are three figures on the pedestal - a girl and two boys. They are dressed in military uniforms, and in their raised hands they hold weapons and a banner. The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the Battle of Kursk.

Monument to G.K. Zhukov

The opening took place in 1998 in Victory Park. The sculptor Dmitry Gorin and his co-author, the architect Yuri Veretelnikov, tried to achieve the maximum portrait likeness and convey the determination of the commander's character through the expression on his face. The monument to Zhukov is an addition to the alley of heroes, where busts of heroes of modern Russia and the Soviet Union - natives of Belgorod - are installed.

Monument to the honest traffic cop P. Grechikhin

The prototype for the sculpture was a real servant of the law Pavel Kirillovich Grechikhin. There were legends about his incorruptibility and adherence to principles. According to one of them, a traffic cop once even wrote out a fine for his wife. The hero is depicted at the post with a rod in his hands. Next to him is his loyal friend on business days - the Ural motorcycle. The inscription on the low pedestal reads: "Good fame is better than wealth."

Monument to Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich

The monarch sits on the "throne" at the intersection of Belgorodsky Regiment Street and Narodny Boulevard. For the abundance of attractions, this territory is called the "open-air museum". Fyodor Ioannovich holds state symbols in his hands. The material from which the sculpture is cast is an alloy of silumin. Alexander Lokhtachev was responsible for the project. Not all historians agree that the facial features of the "quietest and blessed" king are conveyed correctly.

Monument to Prince Vladimir

Recognized as the largest monument in the city. In addition, the Belgorod monument to Vladimir is also the most massive of all, installed in honor of the Baptist of Russia in the world. The opening was timed to coincide with two dates: the 2000th anniversary of Christianity and the 55th anniversary of the liberation of the city from the Nazis. The height of the sculpture is 7.5 meters, and the three-tiered pedestal is 14.5 meters. In his hands the prince holds a cross and a shield - symbols of faith and protection.

Monument to Bohdan Khmelnitsky

Location - Svyato-Troitsky Boulevard, popularly called the "hundred-meter route". The author of the bust is Alexander Lokhtachev, who performed the roles of both a sculptor and an artist in the project. Khmelnytsky is a statesman and commander who stood at the head of the Zaporozhye army. He actively and successfully opposed the Commonwealth. The image of the hetman was created according to the existing portraits, and a hat with a feather, typical for that time, was put on his head.

"Pushkin and Natalie"

The composition is installed on the territory of BSTU named after V.G. Shukhov. The management of the university thus wanted to introduce lyrical motives into the technical topics of the university. The idea was brought to life by Anatoly Shishkov, who has already created many monuments for Belgorod. According to his idea, the poet in the gazebo reads poetry to his wife Natalia Goncharova. On the open book, the inscription is visible: "Of the purest charm, the purest sample."

Monument to General N.F. Vatutin

It has been located at the intersection of the street of the same name with Korolev Avenue since 1965. Nikolai Fedorovich was born on the Belgorod land. Vatutin rose to the rank of general, had many awards, but never boasted of them. The modesty of the military was also emphasized by the authors of the bust. He was portrayed in a soldier's gymnast with a single order on his chest. The facial features of the hero speak of his composure and calmness.

Monument to A.I.Popov

The street named after Andrei Ivanovich intersects with Narodny Boulevard. This place was chosen for the erection of a monument to the tankman, who was the first to lead his combat vehicle to the Nazi-occupied Belgorod. Popov lost a damaged tank, but, having got out, continued the battle, in which he was killed. He was buried in a mass grave, where the Eternal Flame is now burning. The bust expresses the decisiveness of the character of a brave soldier.

Monument to V. Lenin

A monument to Lenin has been standing in the central park of the city since 1956. It was created 5 years earlier, but was originally located on the square. It is believed that the appearance of the sculpture at the entrance resulted in the inclusion of the name of the leader of the world proletariat in the name of the park. The monument was cast from plaster, using a frame for strength. It is regularly painted in bronze, and the pedestal was faced with new granite in the 2000s.

Monument to M.S.Schepkin

The Russian actor was awarded the monument in 1988. So the city celebrated the 200th anniversary of Shchepkin. Mikhail Semyonovich is considered the founder of realism on the domestic stage. The figure of the artist was cast in bronze and placed on a granite pedestal with a pinkish tint. In 1998, the monument was moved to Cathedral Square, which was then called Revolution Square. There is a drama theater nearby.

"To the victims of Chernobyl"

The colorful composition is located on Bohdan Khmelnitsky Avenue. The initiators of the creation of the monument were representatives of the society of victims of radiation disasters. Anatoly Shishkov completed the project in less than 12 months: the opening took place in 1999. The main material of manufacture is copper. A human figure is placed in the foreground, and two wide steles with commemorative inscriptions are placed behind.

Monument to the Fallen in Afghanistan

Belgorod is the first city in Russia where a monument was erected in honor of Afghan soldiers. The author of the project is sculptor Anatoly Shishkov. The opening ceremony took place in 1995 in the presence of representatives of veteran organizations. The composition is full of details. There is an Orthodox cross with a crucifix, commemorative inscriptions, funeral bells. And the half-columns, not brought together, symbolize the mountains of Afghanistan.

Monument to the janitor

Belgorod has repeatedly occupied high positions in the lists of the cleanest and greenest cities in Russia. This is also the undoubted merit of the janitors. Their work was celebrated in 2006 with the installation of a sculptural composition.In addition to the janitor himself with a broom in his hands, a cat sits on the boulevard, according to the author Taras Kostenko, these animals are the main guards and symbols of the house. The monument has no pedestal, and its weight is 175 kg.

"Family and motherhood"

The sculptural composition appeared in the Lenin Park in 2008. This is one of the many works by the Kharkov sculptor Taras Kostenko, installed on the streets of Belgorod. He is close to portrait monuments that do not have pedestals - more accessible to the people. This time the author depicted a happy family: mom, dad and three children. They sit in front of the lens of a vintage camera and prepare to pose.

Monument to Sergei A. Yesenin

It was decided to immortalize the eminent poet in 2012. Initially, it was planned to install a small bust on Yesenin Street, but later the commission decided on the idea of ​​creating a full-length monument. The area around was supposed to become a place for poetic meetings, but so far the project has not been completed. Some of the townspeople have questions to the authors about the external resemblance of the sculpture to the original.

Monument to V. Shukhov

Another attraction opened on the territory of BSTU. The monument is dated 2001. Shukhov is a brilliant engineer and inventor, his works underlie the developments of other masters of this industry. Two years after the opening ceremony of the sculpture, the university was officially named after Vladimir Grigorievich. The sculptor Anatoly Shishkov and the architect Vitaly Pertsev depicted Shukhov at work.

"Local historian"

In the early years of the XXI century, the city developed a program designed to perpetuate outstanding local residents. The sculptor Anatoly Shishkov took as a prototype for his work the image of his friend and also honored local historian Yuri Shmelev. The researcher is depicted in a moment of intense work: he is writing something in his notebook, sitting on a bench. And next to him is a playful dog.

Monument to M. Sholokhov

An alley of Nobel laureates has been created in front of Belgorod State University. There could not but be a place for the monument to Mikhail Sholokhov. Its author is Anatoly Shishkov. The image of the writer is known to many people, even those far from literature. He is traditionally shod in boots, dressed in a simple sweater, and a jacket thrown over the back of a chair. The prose writer has a pipe in his hand, which he rarely parted with during his lifetime.


The monument was cast in 2005 in Kharkov under the guidance of two sculptors Taras Kostenko and Dmitry Ivanchenko. Ukrainian authors made it especially for Belgorod and later donated it to the city. Their work symbolizes the transience of life. The composition represents the grandmother herself, sitting on a park bench and knitting a long stocking. There are skeins of thread at her feet. Nearby is the Shchepkin Theater.


The monument is dated 2007. It is dedicated to entrepreneurs of the 90s who traveled abroad for goods. Belgorod shuttles - young man and woman carrying bags on wheels. They climb a small hill. This detail is important for the sculptor Taras Kostenko. So he wanted to emphasize that the sculpture carries optimism: the heroes have already overcome the most difficult section - the ascent, which means that it will be easier for them further.

Monument to S. Degtyarev

Installed on Grazhdanskiy prospect in 1994. Stepan Degtyarev is a native of the Belgorod lands. He became famous as a conductor and composer. The monument is one of the most beloved among the townspeople. Perhaps this is due to his aura: the authors so accurately caught Degtyarev's emotion that it seems as if music will begin to sound now. The conductor's hands are raised, he is dressed in a ceremonial manner, as if he is now leading the orchestra.

Monument to M.M.Speransky

The sculpture of a politician and statesman was installed on Narodny Boulevard in 2016. The place was chosen symbolic: the building of the Arbitration Court of the Belgorod Region is located nearby. A monument to the anniversary of the judicial reform is dedicated. Before a full-fledged monument appeared here, in 2014, a stone-laying ceremony with a commemorative plaque took place. The author of the project is Boris Sergienko.

"My first teacher"

In 2008, the city underwent reconstruction of Narodny Boulevard. This was the reason to make changes to its decor. Among other decorations, a monument to the first teacher appeared. The composition is a sketch of a lesson: a student at a desk, a schematic representation of a blackboard, as well as the teacher herself, standing nearby. The boy is popularly called Little Johnny, and next to him there is a place for those who want to take a photo.

"Volleyball players"

The sculptural composition was placed directly opposite the Cosmos Sports Palace. A monument to a specific team is dedicated - Lokomotiv-Belogorye. The project was implemented by Taras Kostenko and Alexander Ridny. The authors paid special attention to the plasticity of their heroes. Athletes are captured at the time of the game. Their coach Gennady Shipulin is sitting next to them on the bench. The total weight of the sketch is 1200 kg, and the height is a little less than 5 meters.


In 2007, near the sports complex named after Svetlana Khorkina, a sculpture of a female gymnast performing exercises on a balance beam appeared. The author of the monument is Anatoly Shishkov. The figure of the athlete has been worked out to the smallest detail: it seems that she froze for a second just about to perform the next element on the apparatus. There was talk that Khorkina herself was the prototype, but there is no official confirmation of this.

Monument to St. Joasaph

One of the pedestrian zones of the city in 2004 was officially named Svyato-Troitsky Boulevard. A monument to the patron saint of the region, St. Joasaph, was moved here in the same year. The sculpture was opened in 2001. The author of the project is Anatoly Shishkov. He decided to portray the Belgorod bishop in full growth with church paraphernalia in his hands, so that the impression of a service being held was created.

"Entry post"

In Belgorod, on the occasion of the monarchs' visits in the 19th and early 20th centuries, 4 "entry pillars" were installed on the northern and southern outskirts. In 1926 they were all demolished. In the 2000s, the idea arose to recreate the landmarks. So in 2007, one of the pillars was restored near the local history museum. It looks like a low stele, erected on a three-tiered pedestal, and is crowned with the country's coat of arms.
