How much is a ticket to Krasnodar?


We consider the cost of tickets to Krasnodar from various Russian cities - Moscow, Novosibirsk, St. Petersburg and Sochi - and give advice on how to buy the cheapest tickets.

Advice. How much a ticket to Krasnodar will cost depends on many factors, but the main ones are the city of departure, time of year, airline and date of purchase of tickets. All these factors are individual, so we will consider them below, but the number of days before departure is common for everyone - we recommend buying tickets about two months before departure, then you can find the cheapest tickets. Also, avoid flying during the holidays.

How do I find the cheapest tickets? The easiest way to find and compare prices of all the leading airlines is by using our search engines and Skyscanner to help you find your tickets at the lowest prices. Try to search for tickets and check prices in both search engines at once for reliability. In addition, we advise you to use in search engines low price calendar - if there are no cheap tickets for the dates you need, check the neighboring ones.

  • The prices for air tickets to Krasnodar are current at the time of publication.
  • The cost is indicated for a round trip.

How much is a ticket Moscow - Krasnodar

Prices. On average, a Moscow - Krasnodar ticket costs about 13 thousand rubles (round trip). But it is quite possible to find and tickets are much cheaper, you just need to try and search. For example, there are round-trip tickets for only 5204 rubles on Aviasales for March 5-19, 2015!

Airlines. The cheapest tickets from Moscow to Krasnodar are usually from Red Wings and Yakutia Airlines.

When is the cheapest time to fly? The cheapest months for flights are April, May and October. The most expensive time to fly is during the summer months.

Novosibirsk - Krasnodar: how much does it cost to fly

Prices. The average price for a ticket Novosibirsk - Krasnodar is 16-18 thousand rubles round trip. But there are also very cheap ones - for example, for the dates from March 8 to April 6 there is a ticket for 13 731 rubles. If such dates do not suit you, there are not very expensive tickets (14,255 rubles) for a shorter period - March 18-28, for example. Use the low price calendar to find the best prices for your dates.

Airlines. Most often, cheap tickets are found at Vim Airlines, and Transaero also has good offers.

When is the cheapest time to fly? February and March are the months when you can find the cheapest tickets from Novosibirsk to Krasnodar. Flights during the summer months are traditionally expensive.

Saint Petersburg - Krasnodar: ticket prices

Prices. The average price for a flight from St. Petersburg to Krasnodar is 13-15 thousand. There are cheap tickets for the spring (March 8-13) - 9248 rubles, in summer tickets cost from 10200 rubles.

Airlines. Most often, budget flights departing from St. Petersburg can be found at Aeroflot and UTair airlines.

When is the cheapest time to fly? In November, December and February, as well as the spring months.

Sochi - Krasnodar: ticket prices

Prices. On the Sochi - Krasnodar route, tickets cost about 8-10 thousand rubles on average. The cheapest tickets you can find cost RUB 4,200.

Note: Sochi: a selection of excellent hotels and apartments.

Airlines. Aeroflot offers good prices for tickets from Sochi to Krasnodar.

When is the cheapest time to fly? For many spring, summer and autumn months, there are cheap tickets (4204 rubles) - until November.
